so THIS is how Stash happens...

Good morning all - and I was right about something. The Northeast isn't going to be getting any springtime - we've gone straight from a cool spring to the summertime HHH's. Just noting the weather  - absolutely not complaining. Note to self - need to move to the summer office on the porch soon!I was out and about at a meeting about a week ago, and I 20150527_082512_resizedhave to share with you what followed me home from the meeting. This was a quilt shop that I hadn't been in very often recently - and that's something that's going to be rectified quickly.I never hesitated, nor did I flinch - this is absolutely to die for rich beautiful silky cottons from Art Gallery Fabrics.  As beautiful as the color way is (and it is soo rich), it's the cool feel of the fabric which makes it so wonderful to fondle. The line is called Indelible...oh, the possibilities!And just because I didn't want it to be lonely all by itself in the shelving - I brought home some friends for it to play nicely with...20150527_082612_resized_120150527_082542_resized Yes, when all is said and done, someone needs to tell my sons that this is why my fabric stash looks as large as it does.Now for the good part for you - ArtGallery fabrics is holding a giveaway to celebrate their getting over 20,000 fans on Instagram - and it's a doozy of a Giveaway - two 50 YARD bundles of fabric. The details appeared on their blog post here and I found it on a post on their Instagram feed.  The contest ends on 05/29...but you might still have time!If you're on Instagram, you might want to follow me (Patchworkpearl) and then ArtGalleryfabrics...who knows what you'll find.TTYL 


Rainy Days and Monday Musings...


Monday Musings - A Tale of Two Mornings