One week into DaGMT'15...what have I learned?

Happy Friday - it's sunny and cold here in the northeast, but don't fear - we'll be getting another foot or two of snow within the next few days. It's a good thing with all the activity here in my room, I've barely had a chance to notice.  Note - if you are in guild in the Southern states looking for a a last minute speaker, I am  willing to work you into my schedule, pronto!.Although the 'challenge' started on the first, I can tell you that I began working on it about 10 days before. I always participated, but I haven't always made the most progress.  So this year, I looked at it in a brand new way, and I started with how my workspace is organized.Item 1 - I moved my cat.  This is Dusti - and she's not exactly thrilled with me right now. Her spot had been directly in front of 002my design wall, and I plan to spend a lot of time with that wall. So she was relocated to an out of the way location - by the time she figures out her new spot, it'll be March.Item 2  - All my UFOs are now located in one space in my room, and all are located in clear plastic bags - I use the kinds that you buy sheets and blankets in - I save them all. Now the fact that they currently fill a 3 drawer Sterilite cart is an eye opener - as is the fact that I was at some point fascinated with Machine Applique. I found 4 projects - or class remnants in the pile. Some of those may or may not have been put into a donation pile.In m006y defense, let me assure you that I have finished two projects completely as of right now - and plan on ticking off another one tonight. This is a bag that I began at a retreat years ago, but which had more problems to fix than I remembered.  It's a good reminder of the benefits of finishing the project soon after you start it.  now if only I took my own advice.Onto item 3...Not all Projects need to be finished. I've currently got 2 UFOs which fall into that category - one is actually going to be upsized to another use, and the other is going to go into a UFO auction because I know I'm not going to finish it as is. I'm thinking of it as liberating it.The beauty of this year's project is that I am learning to enjoy the process again, which has turned into the biggest gift to myself.  Instead of dreading the mountain of UFOs, I'm actually excited about finishing things.  The question is - how long with THAT last...GIVEAWAY OPPORTUNITY...Recently, I reached the milestone of 1000 fans on my Facebook page, and to celebrate this...I'm offering a bundle of Fat Quarters from Island Batik. All you have to do is to leave a comment below. IB giveawayThe Question is - what is your favorite organization tip for keeping the mess in your sewing space under control?  Somebody is going to win, but hopefully we'll all learn something.  Comments open until midnight on Friday the 13th...did I just say that?Stay warm...Linda


It's time to Yell 'Plot Twist'


The Art Chain - Day 5 - Lake Shore Magic