One Quilting Circle

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Monday Musings - Camp Weowemuch Adventures

20150424_102303_resizedI spent this past weekend up north with some friends at a new retreat house that's opening up this season. The owner is a mutual friend, and we have been christened the Guinea Pigs for, and our 'job' for the weekend was to see what amenities or accomodations she might want to make before the renters arrive - a tough job but we were up to the Challenge. The name of the camp is Camp Weowemuch, and I overprepared as usual...that's the sewing gear in the back of the car.


The property is lakefront on a private lake in Maine, and it will hold about 8 or 9 comfortably; there are plenty of options for sewing rooms setups - and lawn chairs. This is your view... it's private, and peaceful - just the place to unwind and get away from it all, whether it's to relax, have a family reunion, or tackle a difficult quilt project.

Here are some more snaps of the weekend -

 This is the bed that I slept in at 'Camp' - which is really 20150425_074438_resizedmore like a 4 star resort!

20150425_112306_resizedThis was the first morning's breakfast - freshly made warm Gluten free pancakes (notice the Golden Fork - there's only one, and no, that didn't mean I had to do clean up!  The food was awesome -  as fellow Camper Terri Sontra said, if Chef Dave offers to make breakfast, just say can thank her later!

We did a lot of shop hopping during the day on Saturday (some would and did call it networking), and there'll be more on that on Thursday's post.

Other activities included:

20150425_212745_resized Art and Crafts - here, we upcycled one of Chef Dave's ties into a broach...


Taste testing - we were all about quality control, after all, our inaugural drink - The Official Guinea Pig Drink.  I don't know what was in it, and I didn't much care. Note to self, I need to get the recipe!

I am working on putting dates and rates together, but to make you reservations for Camp Weowemuch, contact me and I'll put you in touch with the owner, Patty Sawyer.