I found time in my day!

My friend Beth Helfter at EvaPaige Quilt Designs is running an online challenge this month, the Drop and Give me Twenty Challenge. It has nothing to do with exercise, but is her (unique) way of getting us to commit to doing something every day. The challenge is to spend 20 minutes per day working on something sewing related. I can tell you that running a business, it's sometimes too easy to focus on the computer and not the fabric. I know that I need to spend more time sewing and less time computng, so I took it on.

There are days it's a bit easier said than done; literally, day 1 of the challenge saw me sitting down at the sewing machine at 10PM. That's not my best time of day to be working on something, and I don't recommend it. However, I don't throw in the towel on day 1 on anything. Voila - with the help of the alarm on my cell phone...borders put on a mini-quilt.

Today was scheduled to be an early morning out the door to another meeting kind of day, but I figured out a way around it.  I created a handwork project by pre-cutting and pre-kitting something that I could bring with me. Definitely not something I do everyday, but it does go to the core of the challenge.  It was probably painful for my table mates to sit and watch me try to remember how to buttonhole manually (isn't there a button on the Horizon for that?), but I persevered.

There's a lot more handwork in my future this spring - more coming later on that.  You'll see more of this project later on.  Tomorrow is another early AM out the door day to a computer class, so who knows?

Come back and find out

We've gained several more blog followers recently, and I'm looking at a lot of names to be entered into the GiveAway for Why Quilts Matter.  To enter, like this blog - and pass it on.



Progress on the Challenge...


Happy End of January Everyone!