Happy End of January Everyone!

Well, January has turned into a clean the studio, clean the room, set some goals, organize your day better kind of month for me, how about you?  Some really tangible progress to report, so here goes...

First off, the Blog GiveAway is going well, but there was an issue with the way it was being set up, so I've extended it to Feb 13th. Everyone who's already entered has a chance to share the news with Friends and Family (and Guilds) and to win the DVD.  I'll announce the winner here on February 14th.  To enter the GiveAway, follow or like the blog so you get my updates automatically.

The signups for the Un-Tangle Retreat at the Beachmere in Ogunquit are going really well, Sandy Steen Bartholomew and I are really excited about it.  I'm going to be learning a lot, and getting to know a lot of fabulous new friends and artists along the way.   If you've never tried to Tangle before, this is the time.

My website has now been mostly updated - you can see the current calendar and this blog all in one place. I'm very happy that this gives me a more cohesive look to the site, and there'll be more changes coming along the way.  Can you check it out and let me know what you think of it?  It's www.thepatchworkpearl.com.

How many of you have seen EvaPaige Quilt Design's February challenge, The Drop and Give me Twenty Challenge? No, it's not exercise, it's quilting - her take on what can you get done in 20 minutes a day. I signed up last week and I've been getting prepped for it since I did.  Do I get credit for banking days ahead of when I can't get to them?  If you want to see the details of the challenge, click on the button on the side of my blog, and see who's up to what.  I committed to trying...and I've already gotten some things done.  Take a look...

Note, this is my contribution to Beth's group project - and (me being me) this was actually one and a half 20 minute chunks.  It did lead to a fund discovery in my stash...how many of you have every gone stash diving and found something like this - wondering why did I only buy a FQ? Fun...Fun...

Let me know how your week is going...


I found time in my day!


One Quilting Circle, January 26, 2012