One Quilting Circle

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Dear 2015...

There are two ways to look at the post title above - one, that I'm a little late to the jumping on the New Year's blogging bandwagon, and two - that I've been letting my thoughts come together on the subject - as one would let the flavorings of a good stew come together.  Truthfully, it's a little bit of Option 1 and Option 2 blended together. My holidays continued on through this weekend, and I'm just now beginning to take stock.Truthfully - 2014 saw me do many things that I NEVER thought I could do, so setting goals for 2015 isn't as easy as flipping that calendar. Houston? me? Market - woaa, I'm not ready! Meet Karey Bresenhan? - um, I'll just be standing over there and breathing into a paper bag.  imagesThe truth is that I did all those things (and a whole lot more!) last year. And just as truthfully (just between you and me) - I found out that those limiting beliefs, those assumptions about me  were also put there by me. That's a big dose of reality in colder-than-cold January in New Hampshire for you.Why are they there? Who put them there? It totally doesn't matter. I'm moving onto what 2015 has in store for me - and what I have in store for it.That's as much deep thought tonight as I can muster - I'm off to work on the next big quilt.