
Welcome to my first entry for the #31dayblogwritingchallenge. I need to put more discipline into my blog writing, and this exercise will push me to become more focused on my writing efforts here on the blog. This challenge was announced by Cheryl Sleboda of Muppin.com - who gave the best presentation of all that I attended at Market this past year. Although December can be an insane month, we do have technology on our side. Cheryl announced this challenge on her Instagram account over the weekend, and that time, over 50 bloggers have signed up to take part in the project.20151024_180531_resizedMy trip to Houston this year was amazing on so many levels...it's really hard to believe that I've been back a whole month already.  I had the opportunity to take a class with Cheryl, who is a very tech savvy, composed marketing professional.  The biggest take away from that session that night was that she is able to plan her media posts in about 15 minutes a day - a very enviable and disciplined approach that I found refreshing. Clearly, she's doing something right.I have a rough schedule of posts planned out by week, and this will give me the opportunity to put my 'bank your posts' mantra to work.  There's probably going to be a mish-mash of posts relating to well...the mish-mash of my life.But watch carefully  - you might find some surprises.  Let me know what you think of my #31days blogging project.


Some thoughts on Christmas decorations


Monday Musings -