(Tipmas) My 2021 word of the year is…
An 18 point single score word for my 2021 year - Simplify
If you’ve stuck with me through thick and thin, early posts and late - thank you for being part of the journey. This is the last day of blog posts for both the #31dayblogchallenge2020, and the #31daysoftipmas. I have learned a lot about myself and my creative process (not to mention my blogging habits), and I will share that with you when I blog once again. I am going back to posting on Tuesdays every week, and there will be some relationship between that content and my weekly Live feeds on Wednesday mornings. I need a break from the daily practice of writing, and I’m looking forward in 2021 to focusing on quality over quantity.
Quite honestly, I have done Cheryl Sleboda’s December challenge once before and I dropped out…signing up this year, I was determined not to make that same mistake. Along the way, I have found my voice, and it won’t be missing again anytime soon. It feels like quite an accomplishment to have accomplished this goal in 2020 - a year where so much changed.
In yesterday’s blog post, I reflected on the lessons that Fearless had taught me. Well, welcome to 2021 - and meet my new word, Simplify.
Simplify is a verb, and the dictionary tells me that it means to make something easier to do or to understand. It sounds perfect to me.
It’s needed on my end, and after the constant chaos of just blasting through barrier after barrier in 2020, I am ready for some simplification in my life. Routines, systems, workflow are all items that I need to pay some attention to. There are some goals which originally set for 2020, are still waiting for fulfillment, and Simplify will help me to accomplish that.
I said last year that I did'n’t pick Fearless, it picked me; I find myself with the same creative process for this year’s word, and it has once again found me. Less clutter, more order, more intention, putting more emphasis on the creative process and my work. And above all else, eliminating more things which are redundant or, at the end of the day, meaningless.
After 2020, I no longer feel I need to have as much emotional security blankets around me, and I’m ready to move onward. I’d be honored if you’d join me on the journey.