(Tipmas) What I learned from being Fearless this year
I couldn’t have done 2020 without you, Fearless
Like so many of us, I had absolutely no idea what 2020 had in store for me when I selected Fearless as my word of the year. I periodically become stuck when approaching a task, or I overthink it. If we’ve met, that’s not going to surprise you about me. But Fearless meant to me to become a firewalker, forging a path straight ahead and moving in a straight line. The cup pictured above has been on my desk each morning -I never have gotten around to sealing it so I could put coffee in it, but that was never it’s purpose anyway. It was a tangible reminder that that word was my guidepost in the year to come.
And oh, did it come in handy. It was never out of sight as I rebuilt website(s) - the second one is coming along; launched a live feed, made a movie, participated in an international virtual conference, learned that a 12 month olds can in fact zoom with you, and so much more. Creatively, it pushed me out of my own way more times than I can count. It wasn’t always a win, but I was pleasantly surprised that the miss wasn’t by a mile, but more like a yard - something to ponder going forward.
Fear is just another four letter word
It has no more power over me than that.
I wondered whether I shouldn’t give Fear another turn at being the word of the year…after all, the year I got (that we all got) wasn’t the one we thought we were getting. But like Forest Gump’s chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. Fearless will always be with me in some fashion, but it’s making way for another word to step into the spotlight. And this word fits me perfectly - and it is totally unexpected. Tomorrow’s blog post - and the accompanying livestream on Dec 31, will reveal it all.