Possibilities - what’s ahead for 2025?
New Year’s - Plotting out my strategy
And against the backdrop of this, one needs to keep in mind not only the creation of those projects, but also the writing of the ebook in November (timed to launch as part of the Black Friday sales), but also the catastrophic failure of my computer system the weekend before. My hard drive crashed, and the backup that was supposed to be working didn’t - we’re still sorting out what we have to work with and what’s going to have to be recreated. My plan was to acquire a laptop this year so aid in my guild presentations - but you need to beware of the Law of Attraction. I never specifically mentioned that the laptop was supposed to be an addition to my old system - not a replacement for it.
I’ll be spending a good deal of time this winter with facts, figures and Powerpoint - in between a bit of sewing.
One of the good things about Possibilities is that it’s an optimistic word, and I like that. The last week of December, I brought out the stack of project boxes that I had here in the workroom, I shuffled them.
First off, the OVCR quilt that’s due to Houston in June has been pieced and is in Florida now - I should have that back in the spring.
My Guild challenge (due May 2025) was pieced, quilted, bound and labeled over New Year’s Weekend - It’s a heck of a nice feeling to know I’ve already crossed that one off the list! Sorry, but this one falls under ‘secret sewing’, so I can’t share any photos. But this one was in my bucket list file!
That brings us to the Northern Light’s Sew a long, which begins on March 1. That’s the next big (BIG) project coming out, and I’ll begin to post some of the project pictures later this month. Right now, I have a ton of pre-washing to get through.
Northern Lights - I’m going to tackle this one as a block of the month format.
I can say that I have a second big project coming out later this spring, and that’s a pattern I’ve had in mind for a while now. It’s time to do something about it, and I didn’t make space for it in last year’s list. Not this year!
The other project is one I need to carve out a decent block of time for, before it has a one year anniversary. My cruise quilt from last summer has languished for far too long, and I’d like to get it done so I can get it quilted for my guild’s 2026 show. I’d like to pick up next week’s blog entry there, because the last time I stumbled on the blog, I was in Iceland. I’m ready to finish that story…
Next week - and it’s a doozy. You haven’t lived until you’ve tried to cut a quilt in the North Atlantic sea.
When I did my tally for 2024, I was amazed to realize that I had worked on (or completed) about 13 different projects for the year. That’s a LOT - not everyone was a large quilt - most of them aren’t - but the number of items that passed through the doors of the studio amazed me.