One Quilting Circle

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What we can ALL do to help the victims of Sandy

I'll be back to my regular posting next week, but I wanted to get this post out this morning. All weekend at A Quilters Gathering, we ran into quilters who came up to the conference from the mid-Atlantic for a slice or normalcy in an otherwise chaotic situation. Truth to tell, I missed a lot of the news on this between working show set up and the actual show. What I've seen on the news this week (and have come to understand from conversations with some others who are working on other relief efforts) has shocked me. How can an event like this have had an effect on such a populated area?

For quilters who are looking for a way to help, I hope you've heard about the combined efforts of EQuilter and Timeless Treasures Fabrics...they have put together an effort to provide 5000 (that number still stuns me!) quilts to people who have lost everything in this tragedy. (please click on the link to learn more - they explain it so much better than I can) has mobilized quilters after disasters such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, the earthquake in Haiti and the tsunami in Japan, in addition to others. They have also partnered with Timeless Treasures fabrics (their web site appears to be down so I can't link you to it) to serve as a collection point for the effort. 

If you are interested in assisting in the efforts, or want more information about this, the best place to get updates and details for now appears to be the page I linked to above; please take the time to read carefully through the details page. If you would like to help but don't feel you can commit to a quilt, you'll be happy to know that has also pledged to donate a % of sales to assist in relief efforts.

Thanks to my friend, Cary Flanagan of Something Sew Fine Designs for posting this on her FB wall this week - that's how I found out about it.