One Quilting Circle

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The Back to School Blog Hop

Good morning, blogland! A group of online quilters got together recently, and launched the Back to School blog hop. It's a collaborative effort - as all hops are - and I am so happy that they have invited me to participate.  Back to school means taking a fresh start, a fresh look at how we quilt, why we do the things we do, and understanding the basics a bit better. No matter how long you've been quilting, you can always learn new things.We started off with Sam Hunter on Day 1, talking about the logistics of working with spray basting a full size quilt!Day two was Mandy Liens (a new favorite of mine) with how to remove a dark thread from something light once you've begun to quilt it. I hate that when that happens to me, and Mandy has a great tip (And tool) for that.I've recently begun to take another look at batting choices (my not so great ones), and Nancy Stovall has lots of things to review and consider when you're selecting yours.Sam has a list of all the hoppers, and this is the kind of appointment blogging you're going to want to digest - there is tons of good content here, whether you're a new quilter, a garment sewer...or just someone who needs to go back to basics occasionally.My day on the hop is Sept 6 (but you'll see me before then, I promise!Linda