Textile Tuesday expanded....
This post could also be titled "My Problem and How I solved it", but I'm going to pull the title from a series I started over on Facebook recently. There are a series of posts with the #TextileTuesday, and I am using it as an opportunity to talk about my stash - why I fell in love with it, when I bought it, that kind of thing. The fabrics highlighted (so far) are the ones which I haven't cut into yet, I just take them out randomly, and feel the cotton.
This blog is about taking scraps and actually using them. One of the first posts in the series talked about this piece, which was the Hoffman challenge from several years back, and I cut into it when working on a project at a retreat a while back. The project yielded me some beautiful scraps - some larger than others - and I was amazed how good it felt to actually work with something I loved so much.
This fabric just needs a margarita and a summer beach to go with it...and the world's brightest limey green zipper helped me take it to the next level.What else could you possibly use this color zipper with?So, onto the pile of things that I'd love to work on when I get the time...enter the bag of sharpies at the top of the post. Those are the colors I use when I am doodling my free motion quilting designs in my papers. I found them on a closeout deal at the art store, and I find it does sometimes help me to use multiple colors when drawing. Or sometimes I'm just in a red or a blue mood.
So, off to the bin of scraps to see what else I could unearth...and voila...these are here, waiting to play. Think of this project as a kind of clean out the fridge kind of idea - see what you have to work with, and then just play until you have something you like.Now, my collection of sharpies has something which makes me smile whenever I look at it, and there are slightly less scraps left to work with (and the larger pieces of the fabric are there to be the source of yet another project.
This is the perfect use for this, and I will be inspired the next time I sit down to doodle.What is your go to use for playing with leftover fabrics that you love?Until next time!