One Quilting Circle

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Tales from the Road...

Somehow, it's been way way too long since I've made a blogpost - and this seems as good a time as any to change that up.  I recently took a trip to the southwest on family business; we arrived home to face a family situation from another branch of the family - and then I played catch-up. There are some times that you can juggle life's demands well, and sometimes you can't.  This week I'm welcoming the readers from the project to the blog, and you're all about to get a glimpse of the Southwest trip.20160414_103826The first stop on the trip was Sedona - one of the single most beautiful, and unexpected treasures we could find. We loved it, and we look forward to seeing it again.  We've been to the southwest several times, but this trip was designed to give us a new perspective.Before we left for the trip, I queried my online friends to find out which shops should be on my list of places to visit. Our first stop was going to be in Phoenix; that shop came very highly recommended, and we were disappointed that the night we went there, they had a sign posted that their shop would now close at 6, not 9.  We were disappointed, but headed off to find dinner and a margarita.  I do hope to get there someday, but not on this trip.IMG_1300The next stop was an unexpected find in Sedona at the . This is a very very nice shop which caters to tourists, and they have some wonderful southwest inspired fabrics for the quilter who is looking to add something to her stash - and who has very little weight left in her luggage allowance.20160418_122144From Sedona, it was onto Las Vegas - scene of many of our vacations before, although it has been  a while since we were there. When you're a quilter, you start seeing pattern everywhere - even in a casino rug. Now 20160418_111245that's a pattern I want to remember.And this came from of the casino rest rooms that we visited.  How much fun would that be to try to replicate - can you say Bucket list?  Okay, maybe not - but it was interesting. Bellagio GardensOne of the other sources of inspiration that works for me is color...This was found in the Bellagio gardens when we took a stroll through there.An example of how my mind works...this is a pithumbnail_20160424_213947ece that I worked on for once we returned home.Whether this was a coincidence or not - you get to decide!From Facebook, I found out about a new quilt shop from - it's called quilting, and we took a trip out there one afternoon. If I lived in Vegas, this would be my new home quilt shop - Christa does live there,20160418_141837and she is very lucky indeed.  It's light, it's bright, it has glorious fabrics - even found some more southwest souvenirs to bring home! - and I know that the next time I'm in Vegas, I'm going to be stopping by. I only wish I could have taken a class. The place is enormous. I'd personally rather play there when I'm in Vegas that at the slots.Oh, and I did say something about souvenirs, right?20160415_075419So my question to you is - do you shop for fabric souvenirs when you travel? Let me know, and welcome to the blog!