Support your local Quilt Shop - Bunkhouse Quilt Sho

January 24th is Visit your Local Quilt Shop Day, and I'm participating in the fun from brisk southern New Hampshire. This is a day to celebrate the independence of the shop owners who were born to cater to our needs, wants and desires. They should have a whole month at least, not just a day!

I am fortunate enough to have several in my general area (and two that have recently opened up)...for today, I want to pay tribute to Wanda and her crew over at The Bunkhouse Quilt Shop in Lyndeboro, NH. 

Wanda's shop is at the top of a beautiful twisty road  - her website will give you directions to find her. It's a peaceful trip to a beautiful, modern building that was built to be a destination shop. I first met Wanda and heard the story of how she came to be the owner of the shop - you have to love a woman who tried to retire twice before, and flunked it both times.

The shop is always a happy place to drop by, whether it's to match fabric, complete a project or to take a class. I'm always welcomed by her friendly "Hey, Miss Linda" whenever I come up - and truthfully, it's not as often as I'd like.  But there's inspiration galore hanging from the ceiling beams, and whenever you're stuck, there's someone there to help you out. 

Gee, I guess I need to take a ride up there tomorrow - wouldn't seem right not to...what do I need?

Where's your favorite shop?


Five for February


The Road Paved with Good Intentions...