So have you seen Handmade Ryan Gosling?

One of my goals for this year is to integrate my social networking strategy better, so that the message is more cohesive to those of you who are my customers. It's been a busy month, sometimes frustrating - and some lightbulb moments along the way.  I can almost think I'm getting the hang of it.  It makes sense, really...I have a diagram, a flow chart and have just about figured out how my webpage, Facebook (me), Facebook (The Patchwork Pearl), and Constant Contact (which I love!) all intersect.

I had a 'moment' last week as I was getting ready to do my first presentation to the Bedford guild here in New Hampshire - how do I tell them to keep up with me? Do I send them to Facebook for the business or to  my blog (which has the information about my GiveAway on it)....wait a minute. You. didn'

Ok - let's back up now - and this was triggered by an email by someone who has now entered it by sending me an email.  I have a copy of  "Why Quilts Matter" by The Kentucky Quilt Project that I'm giving away on the first of February. All you have to do is to follow the blog. If you're reading this through Facebook, like it through NetworkedBlogs; if you're reading it through google, just follow me.  I'm adding you all to a good old fashioned spreadsheet to keep up.

Ok, now that you've entered it - and shared it with anyone you know who may be slightly interested in the story, I'm going to come back to my IT challenged world. And then I'm going to go play with fabric...

Linkedin is a work in progress, Powerpoint is for next month, and paypal (working with Constant Contact) is a godsend for someone who's working with 3 events in the next 60 days.

I was going to add all the buttons to this blog post, but we're talking next quarter before I figure that out...

So now I have one more to figure out - what's Tumblr?  It's another blogging platform - that apparently can't be integrated into this one. So think of me while you click on this link...

It's really funny - even the part about nobody entering your giveaway....

Please like this and share...I'm off to the cutting table.

The Giveaway is 

more interactive), my website - which is still a UFO...I pushed through that and

. Linkedin is a work in progress, Powerpoint  is not as tough as I thought it would be.  You can add in paypal (and three events, thank you very much) and see why I am desperately looking for a reason/excuse to go play with fabric and sew. 


One Quilting Circle, January 26, 2012


Have you registered to win Why Quilts Matter?