Random thoughts - Batiks Go Retro Blog Hop

I hope this evening finds you well. It's been a particularly crazy week this week (and it's only Wednesday night?) I just want to put it out there that I am grateful to all who have had my back this week - I do feel frazzled (more in a bit) and supported.  It's just one of these weeks that when I look back, I'll say - it didn't kill me, it made me stronger.I've been reading online about the quilt police raising their ugly heads again...and it does make me question things. I want to be the kind of person who's a supporter - not a naysayer. The things that make you go, Hmm. Right now, I'd rather be grateful to those people helping the people in Texas and Florida...and has anyone looked at Jose lately?I'm loving all the comments that last week's blog post on organizing your space generated, and I've got one more for you tonight...a bonus if you will.  Many thanks to Sam Hunter for organizing this, and letting me blog along with some real big people in the industry. Here's a handy link to Sam's original blog post, which has the listing of all the bloggers.  It's something I need to go back and make sure I've read them all...some really good tools.My BONUS tip...so you're practicing your free motion quilting on your sandwich...what if you're sandwich wasn't a conventional square?  I've seen a lot of tutorials show that they you should use a 12 X 12 (or even an 18 X 18).  Here's my tip...use a sandwich that's 12 x 18, and when you have finished what you want to practice...make it a pet bed. There is a real need, and you'll keep your sewing room neat as well.  Here's a link to my friend Nan Baker's post for The Quilt Pattern Magazine, giving you instructions, and directions as to how to help.It's interesting now that I'm not part of as many Blog Hops this year...somehow, the two I am part of are overlapping (again).  This time, I'm finishing a secret sewing project that dates back to last Quilt Market.  The Batiks Go Retro blog hop is hosted by my friend - and fellow designer - Tammy Silvers, of Tamarinis.  Tammy's debuting her new line of fabrics with Island Batik, and I was invited to blog along with the gang. My post is up on the 19th, and I'm really excited about it because it solves a problem I've had for years...wait until you see how easy this is.  Click on this link to go to Tammy's blog to see the Batiks Go Retro page...have fun. a Rafflecopter giveawaySo, by now you must be wondering why I'm frazzled. I am vending as me for one of the first times that I've ever done this, and it's scary to put all this energy into getting things together...it's scary putting yourself out there...hmm, maybe that's another blog post waiting to be born.  Off to sew.


Batiks Go Retro Blog Hop - Solving one of my problems!


Back to School Blog Hop - TOP TEN LIST of low cost tips for Organizing your sewing room