My second biggest addiction is...

I know you might be tempted to go for 'chocolate' (and before this exercise, I might too!), but my recent adventures in spring cleaning yielded some surprising results.This is the second part of a series on spring cleaning, the 2017 edition.  TO see the first entry in the series (and to look at the giveaway opportunity that I included in that entry, please click here.)This organization happened in layers - or truthfully, it's still happening in layers. I feel some days as if I've reached Dante's 8th ring...but I am getting closer to complete tidiness. I've seen enough partial videos of people embracing the concept of decluttering and cleanliness to know that the word 'joy' shows up here someplace.It's important to remember here that this serves as both my creative space (with all the sewing supplies that go with that), but also as my business office - and that comes with it a treasure trove of office supplies. As I shifted around the various carts and bins in the space, I realized that the office supplies needed a home too.Seriously, this 'collection' came out of three different locations in the 'office' - and is funny in that I never have enough pens in the kitchen.This next picture is my collection of note pads that I've accumulated from events, trips, office supplies store. Now you can see why I've often said that I shouldn't be allowed to buy sticky notes - even the color coded ones. I decided the best way to get a handle on this was to pull everything out of bags, bins, drawers into one space so that I could see how much of what I had. Once I did that, I could then decide how best to organize what was left. Everything that I will now use on a daily basis  is now on one shelf (there are two boxes), but still - this looks a lot better than what it did.  I have one large sterilite cart under the Ikea desk - that's the over flow.At least it looks pretty when I look at it!Next week - the total reveal (I've got the desk under control), and then my top 10 tips for keeping your sewing room under control.   Enjoy!


On finding my inspiration again...


Spring Cleaning time...and a Giveaway!