Monday Night Musings
Today's Monday Musings are sneaking in just under the wire - but I made a commitment to myself to post weekly, and last week was a hectic week. The MQX show in Manchester was a great opportunity to connect with other quilters, and I made a lot of connections there. I didn't take any classes or enter any quilts into the show, but after experiencing some of MQX, I will work on both of those for next year.I did have some personal moments while I was there - Prism was introduced as a pattern for sale in the vendor mall, and I was thrilled with the reception it got. I also had the chance to listen to some amazing speakers while I was there - among the ones which I took the most away from was Leah Day, who spoke on her Goddess series of quilts and her journey.
I met some amazing women for the first time this year - and reconnected with others who I have met before. In my experience, quilters are the most generous (in spirit, as well as in fabric) people that I've ever known, and MQX was an opportunity to see that again with abundance.There will be more postings coming out of this year's show, but I will close for now.BestLinda