Monday Musings - my quilting progress

Tonight's post is going to be a little more like a journal entry than anything else. I had set a goal this year of wanting to improve my free motion quilting skills. I'm finding that right now, I'm working on several smaller pieces rather than a large quilt, and that gives me plenty of leeway to experiment with different techniques and designs.thumbnail_20160527_230306Last week, I showed you the final completion of The Softer Side, which is for many reasons one of my absolute favorite pieces I've done to date. It's name comes from the color palette, and this piece was a game changer for me in  a number of ways.Intuitively, I knew how to quilt it, and I experimented with the straight line style that is so in vogue right now.This piece was designed as a fundraiser, and it was donated to this morning's auction. Tonight, it's back home in a new spot in my sewing space - I can't quite make myself say studio. I bought it at the auction because it just wasn't worth it to me to let it go.Some pieces are meant to stay.


Monday Musings - The Modern Batik Challenge


How I made binding magic...