Making us Laugh - Sweet Dreams

Welcome to my stop on the Making us Laugh Blog Hop, where today I am bringing some fun funky fabrics to give a new spin to an old project. Add a little technology to it, and it's a good time to have some fun! Many thanks, once again to Joan Kawano of Moosestachequilting for coming up with the idea, centered around National Quilting Day this past weekend. As an added bonus, this project will give you plenty of chances to play with the fabric stash you've spent years collecting, maybe looking at it in different ways.
Let me ask you a question - when was the last time you made a burrito? No, not in your kitchen - but in your sewing room? A burrito is a special method for making a pillowcase, which allows you to capture all the seams inside the casing (and you get to try the oh-so-fancy-sounding technique, called French seams -which isn't hard at all). This isn't my original design in any way, and I have not created a tutorial for this. There are many on YouTube already, and this is one that I particularly like from Crafty Gemini.

But let's start with the fabric, since that's why we're all here, right? This is a bright, hot pink fabric that I found in my stash from Amy Bradley Designs from Moda...and I had this in the back of my mind when I went to make this project. It's my idea of funky, and I can now say that the next time I go on a retreat, I have a ready made pillowcase to bring with me. I don't see myself bringing a quilt, but this I can manage.
My take on the pillowcase idea is easily adaptable for ANY person, any occasion, any message you want to send...I love this idea for personalizing a case for someone who'r recovering from an illness, going to college, or who has a special nickname. It could even be adapted to bridal parties or birthday parties...Just add a name or a special motif.
So here's the message I picked for my pillowcase...
I use my Cricut Maker on many of my projects, and for this one, I just picked one of the text fonts to cut out the words Eat, Sleep and Quilt. It could have been anything, including Quilt DIva to go with the fabric...but I went with this instead. I applied my favorite brand of fusible applique, Mistyfuse, to a small square of the second brightest pink I could find, and set it to cut. You can also manually cut letters or shapes out in any way to decorate your cuff, I just went with something that was. well me.
Now that I have your creative engines working on the possibilities (you're welcome!), I'm hoping that you will check out these other great blogs on today's stop on our blog hop...I'm off for more coffee, and then I'm going to become inspired. We can all use more reasons to laugh these days...Cheers!
Have you ever customized a pillowcase? I'd love to hear about it. Please leave a comment below so we can all be inspired by you.