It's DaGMT time again...

Well, good flippin evening from the brand new, sparkly clean home of my blog, which has now been rebranded as  This is a biggie off my bucket list (for a lot of reasons!), and I am happy with how far it's come in one long afternoon! It's not perfect - and I don't know if it'll ever be - but it's up and running. I will be tweaking it a bit in the coming weeks, so the format might change but the content management can begin. Categories are for later this week!A disclaimer - I believe that I got the feed switch done correctly tonight - but if you're used to seeing the blogposts come via bookmark, please make sure that you note the new address, which is, onto the most fun post of the year - We're just two days away from the beginning of EvaPaige Quilt Design's Drop and Give Me Twenty    celebration of the month of February.  I have been looking forward to participating (and helping to sponsor the madness) again this year. I have the pile of UFO's stacked up next to the I might actually be able to get to them.So without further ado, here's my Commitment Statement for Beth - apparently, she feels the need to have us all publicly commit to what we think we're going to finish.So, with that (insert deep breath)...I, Linda Pearl (owner of too many UFOs and/or more fabric than I can hope to use up in twice my  lifetimes) am joining Quilting Hottie Haven's third annual DaGMT event, and pledge to work on my UFOs  for at least 30 minutes every day of the month of February, 2014.  In doing so I hope to make way for more fabric purchases, ensuring that  my heirs  don't someday have to sort through 89 UFOs in order to put me in the home.  I generally always think Beth Helfter is brilliant, but I reserve the right to curse her during the latter half of February when I have reverted back to my old habits.  I also pledge to learn from my pitiful example of last year, where I didn't get to do my sewing on Feb 1 until 11:30 that night.Hmmm...I just noticed I like this font. I need to investigate that. 


Well, the dust has settled a bit


It's a New Year, and it's Still Organized!