One Quilting Circle

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I'm switching up my UFO process for next's why

I have learned that life as a Nana works best when you are flexible...this was partially written last night, but I had to move this to this morning because I needed to pitch in with a sick kid.  So apologies to all, and here we go!********December is a good time of year for taking stock, and I'm using my time to evaluate what changes I want to make here. Goal setting is a big part of that, and I'll be using that old chestnut that if the goal isn't scary enough, it's not big enough.  In last week's blog, I mentioned how I used the APQ resolution to schedule and clear out some of the UFOs that I had on hand, and now that the sheet for 2018 has been posted, I'm listing out the projects I want to work on, but with a twist.  I did find that I put the kids stockings (see last week's blog post here for that story), even though they weren't an 'official UFO'...but it was deadline driven, and there I was, on 12/13, killing it. Trust me, there have been years when it was 12/24 and a half - I'm never going there again.For 2018, I started with the idea that this can be a tool to accomplish my goals, as well as to clear out some UFOs. It's just newfound accountability partner is another one.  As I worked my way down the list, I found that the slots I have for projects I want to work on are finite...and here, I've come full circle to something that I have worked with before.  There's only so much Linda to go around.So, with that - here comes another confession - I am already behind on the On Ringo Lake Mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter.  These days, my Facebook timeline is filled with photos of people showcasing their colors, and their neat piles. For a time,  I wanted to join the crowds and play...and I will.  ORL is going be scheduled for some of the months that I have open on my list - but it's my list and things can be swapped around as I need to. I'm pretty sure that the quilt police aren't auditing my list anytime soon.I'm also sure I have a Lifetime membership (After 25 plus years) with the UFO of the month club...but this is something that, with modifications, I can incorporate into my quilting life.How do you keep track of your lists?  I'm open to using and modifying my list as much as I need to.