One Quilting Circle

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December's Grace


Good morning to all.  Like many of you, I'm wondering where December went - amongst deadlines, shopping, gathering with friends, renovation decisions - I blinked and it's December 20th. Like many, I stopped to watch the news from Newtown Ct last week, and have found myself thinking about the losses at odd times. I saw a 6 year old in the market this week and wanted to hug him - and saw the look of understanding in his Mom's face. I watched a commercial about a dad talking about the best burger he ever had - right after his son's game. And I thought about all the milestones never to come for those that have gone (and their families), and it made me cry.

Then I started listening to the interviews with the parents of some of the littlest victims - and I found their grace inspiring. Emilie Parker's dad talking about his last morning with her, and Grace McDonnell's mom talking about how they colored her casket with sharpies because she was full of color and life.  I am in awe of their strength and their grace.  Their children were lucky to have picked them as parents. I have a feeling that I'll be taking them into my heart as I move forward about my regular day - and hope that I can become a little more patient, a little more tolerant of others. I believe that's what we need.

Today, I get to do something that is totally outside my comfort zone - I'm taking an applique class with Ellie Sienkiewicz - something I never thought I'd be able to say. More later...