Catching up with Island Batik...

Believe it or not, there's been a flurry of activity over in Ambassadorland within the last week or so.  The last several projects that we've done have been group roundup projects - we have a common theme (or technique) and then we work our individual projects around that.  Last  month - besides books, babies and bundles from the home office...we celebrated Christmas in July, Island Batik style.Christmas in July IconI have to say...we are a creative tribe. If you're looking for techniques, or ideas for gifts....this could be the best blog post you've read this morning.

Joan over at Moosestash Quilting does a really nice pictorial round up over on her blog - if you're a visual person (like most of us), it's great one stop shopping.  Thanks, Joan.What are you working on for Christmas now?More coming soon...


Monday Musings - Seaside Summer Blog Hop is here!


Monday Musings - It's Christmas in July