Well, it would appear that much has happened here in Blogger land while I was away; this post is overdue so before I let any more grass grow under my feet - or fingers! - let me figure it out as I go. Yes, you guessed it - I'm one of those people who usually don't read directions. Pattern Instructions yes, but directions no!

A brief shout out to the staff of My Quilt Place at AQS - my blog is now linked up to their site. Thank you for your help, and welcome to all my new AQS friends.

I came back from Paducah wired, inspired - and fried; not great when you come back to a desk full of deadlines, but that happens. Next year (and threre most certainly will be a next year!), I'll not take on quite so much - the spring calendar has gotten more crowded here - and will most likely stay that way. I just have to figure out the kinks.

I had heard wonderful things about the show - all of them true. The city of Paducah has truly turned itself into Quilt City USA.   I got a chuckle when we arrived at the special preview on Wednesday night and the first thing that greeted us was the Handi-Quilter truck- and fellow guild member Michelle Tade Banton's picture (left of the post!) greeting me.

I had the privelege of seeing the first time AQS entry of my good friend - and guild member, Kathie Beltz - her Twisty Curvy Explosion quilt has won a lot of acclaim, and seeing it in Paducah - and meeting other friends of hers as well - was a thrill.  There's a world of difference between going to Paducah, and being in Paducah!

One of the highlights of the trip - and there were many! - was the National Quilt Museum...it's a treasure of beautiful works, and it should be on every quilter's bucket list.  The good news is that it's open year round, and they change the exhibits frequently.  It's a source of inspiration and of contemplation.

There'll be more about my trip later - but let me leave you with a truly Paducah photo - this is the parking lot of the Convention center at lunch time - and this is a short line.  

Off to a meeting and A Quilter's Sampler...more coming soon (promise)...



Happy Birthday to me!
