Welcoming Back, The Quilters Calendar
This month, The Quilter’s Calendar returns to the website
Ah, my little ugly duckling friend…you’re finally back!
The website refresh didn’t extend all the way to this page, unfortunately.
If you follow the idea that form follows function, it’s functional. Like a 1980’s kitchen.
I’ve relaunched the calendar this month because I think that it’s time. Although it may seem as if the pandemic is going to go on indefinitely…it’s not. I’m seeing real events with real 2021 dates on them starting to be scheduled. At this point, it’s anyone’s guess whether they will happen, but you have to begin to plan.
This calendar includes in person guild shows, virtual quilt events (such as the Vermont Quilt Festival and Maine Quilts), and regional events. It also will include information for the New England Quilt Museum and the Global Quilt Connection as a service to the community. These events are available at no cost to its’ members - it’s one way I can give back to the community, by giving you a one stop shopping location for finding out what’s going on in the industry.
If you represent a non profit or a not-for profit quilt guild, you can fill out this form and return it to me with your contact information. Please plan on getting your submission in by the 20th of the month for publication on the first. We will try to accommodate you after the 20th, but I can’t make any guarantees.
If you are a quilt designer, a quilt shop, a shop hop and would like to be included - please stay tuned. I will be rolling out the 2021 Advertising Program on April 1.
If you have any questions about this, please send me an email.
Thank you!
Hi, I’m Linda Pearl - quilter, teacher, designer and blogger, and I’m happy to have you here. I’d like to tell you a little bit more About Me…