October thoughts
The inspiration for today’s blog post comes from a Facebook post from a friend who posed the question what gifts are you gifting to yourself this month. It’s simple, yet profound - as the best writing posts are. September brought me many gifts, some of which were long awaited and some of which I need to sit with awhile. But that was yesterday…and turning my calendar ahead brings a fresh palette, a new start. And as it turns out, a lot fewer lists of things that aren’t getting done. Sometimes you need to switch up what’s not working, and shake things up more than a little. So here are the thoughts I’m taking with me into October…
It seems so simple, and yet it’s so complex.
We want the latest and greatest without being grateful for the really important things in your life.
This month, I’m pondering gratitude especially against the prism of health - in many forms. Physical, emotional, mental, spiritual.
What are you grateful for today?
My word of the year,
sometimes lost in
the chaos of everyday life.
If it’s lost…how much of a part of
my life is it really?
The chronic overthinker, over planner in
me needs to just step back and just be.
And enjoy the peace that comes with each season. Of the calendar, and of life.
When you are present in the moment, you get to enjoy all the life that’s going on around you. The beautiful, the chaotic, the good and the bad.
This season, I need to remember to be present more in the moment… because it can all change in a moment.
My tangible evidence of that - take the picture - but it’s more important to be n the picture.
I often find myself being unrealistic
with how much time - or energy -
a task requires.
That can lead to me feeing overwhelmed and frustrated with the task at hand, and that’s not a good thing.
Is it too soon to pic my word of the year for 2022?
Lastly, I give myself permission to be me.
Imperfect is human, and I am human.
I’m going to sit with that for a while, but it feels right.
These are just some thoughts as I stare out the window on what looks like a beautiful early fall day. Come back next week on Tuesday when we’re back to talking about quilty things. My design wall is empty, and I need to put some color up there. I think a shift is coming…
Hi, I’m Linda Pearl - quilter, teacher, designer and blogger, and I’m happy to have you here. I’d like to tell you a little bit more About Me…