A Year of Livestreaming…
It’s been a heck of a year…that’s for sure!
Happy Spring! Happy National Quilting Day! I hope that you have a chance today to get some time to spend on the craft that we all love - whether it’s shopping, stitching or catching up on a really good Video or podcast. I’ve already gotten my 20 minutes in, and I have a hot date with a younger man…if this is a good napping day, I might get in 20 more.
I had planned this week’s blog post to talk about my year in review, since this week marks my one year anniversary of doing my Live feeds on Facebook on Wednesdays at 10. I began those just about the time that the pandemic became real and lockdown began, and over the months that followed, it was a consistent part of my week. If you found me through the Live feed (and many of you have), you’ve had a front row seat to the good, the really bad and, this past week - the really really funny.
As it turns out, 2020 was a good year to have selected Fearless as my word of the year - because there was no stopping.
My security blanket for the year was this - default mode set to Fearless!
The corollary to fearless was the thought that growth happens when you step beyond your comfort zone. I had so much to learn, and then to become adept at - and this from someone who usually welcomes new challenges!
I learned technological lessons (more than I ever wanted to learn). makeup tips, time management tips, breathing tips – and along the way, I finished a quilt or two. It seemed that everytime I turned around there was something else to figure out about livefeed…and I promise you, I’m still learning. (Screenshare, anyone?)
Before last year, Zoom was something I did on weekends with my husband in my miata. Last month, I ran zoom meetings 4 nights in a row. Admittedly, the 4th meeting might have been a bridge too far, but I was doing a virtual sewin with girlfriends.
And then, this past week - the universe told me that perhaps I’m not done learning. Once again, I learned that works well under pressure is destined for my tombstone. Mike and I have survived this pandemic well, probably because we had no choice.. But I’m not totally sure that he gets this whole new world yet…
Hi, I’m Linda Pearl - quilter, teacher, designer and blogger, and I’m happy to have you here. I’d like to tell you a little bit more About Me…
I usually work solo….but then life becomes very real.
My promise is that I will continue to do this - and to get better as I go. But I also want to acknowledge here that I have come a long way too. All of the Facebook LIves are posted permanently on my Facebook page for Qne Quilting Circle here, and you can watch them at your leisure.