I have been  fascinated by the art of quiltmaking since I  was first introduced to it as a teenager. I made my first quilt  over 25 years ago, and my design aesthetic has evolved from traditional to what I describe now as contemporary – heading to modern.

An avid collector of fabrics in that time frame, I am now drawn into finding ways to incorporate my beautiful stash into new projects, a passion which I find is shared by many quilters today. The good news is that this passion has no calories or expiration date.

I am often out and about at quilting events, and I love to meet with quilters and vendors of all genres. I believe I can learn something new (often about myself) everyday. I have been fortunate to have some of my work featured in books and magazines, and you can find my patterns in my store here.

One of my favorite things is to talk to and meet with guilds, and I am lucky enough to do that often. In 2022, I became a Certified Instructor for Sew Kind of Wonderful Quilts, and I love sharing my love of curves with other quilters.

If I could have dinner with one person in this industry, it’s Karey Bresenhan. One question I often ask is who is yours?

Remember: Inspiration Is Everywhere – you just have to look.