One Quilting Circle

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Spring Quilt Market recap

When I look back at the last week, I think I really will recall it as Lindafest 2014.

The week was a definite whirlwind of activity, which started out innocently enough as I re-did a block for an exchange that I wasn't happy with. As I picked up that seam ripper on Monday morning, and prepared an interview for the newsletter, I had no idea that before week's end, I'd be looking at this. 

Welcome sign

 My last minute trip came together surprisingly easily, once I made the decision to go (after some rather convincing arguments from my eventual roomie. I did ask for advice from several of my more market savvy contacts, and the result was a surprisingly short - and important list.  One...Have Fun! Two...Stay hydrated! Three...Comfy Shoes!

Comfy shoes 

I said several times last week that not having a lot  of prep time was a very  good thing.  I also said that I could sleep once I was home - which I have done. Without months of time to get myself worked into a dither about the trip, I just decided to relax and be myself.

I'll admit I arrived in Pittsburgh with more adrenaline rushing than I'd felt   in a long while. I had great visions  for social media success,  but found they  collided almost immediately with reality. I found that I had a low cell  phone battery when I arrived, and I had yet to make connections with my roommate in this sea of an estimated 7000 people.  I turned my phone off and ventured forth to get my credentials to actually get onto the floor.

My Credentials - all on my own This is the absolute best souvenir that I got while I was there.

Quilts, Inc., who runs the show had made some changes in their admission guidelines, which had been the part of the whole adventure I was the most apprehensive about. Armed with my website info, my copies of Hello, Gorgeous! and my cards, I was admitted as an Industry Professional. Woo to the Hoo!

With the cell phone still off to conserve the battery, I walked out onto the carpeted aisle to get my bearing. I had been warned that this was a BIG show, but as I looked left, I assumed that I was on the right side of the floor. Then I turned to the right, and realized that I was not on the side, I was in the middle.  This show is HUGE...I'm pretty sure that anyone who heard a loud thud in that hall early on Saturday afternoon will understand that it was my jaw. People I don't know all began to look at me with that same, knowing look.

 I will pause in the story here to say that I did make connection with my roommate, so I could then relax about that, and also to begin to think about where I could begin. Saturday continued with networking and just generally getting into the flow.

Unfortunately, for my social media efforts on Saturday I get an F-...all the people I met and talked to along the way are undocumented for posterity - or for your enjoyment.  I will say that it felt unnatural for me to fumble with the camera too, and it was more important to be the genuine me rather than to try to be someone I wasn't.

I am nothing, Lani Voivod, if not a stubborn person. I am determined to do better and make this little leap of technology. So on Sunday, armed with coffee, and with a plan

The list of exhibitors

I set off to work the plan.

American Made Brands boothOne of the booths I was most interested in seeing is the booth from Clothwork's American Made Brands. This is their display in their booth - the colors are very saturated.  I got the chance to run my hands over them as well. A very nice material, and something I hope to add to my stash sooner rather than later.  AMB also introduced their 50 state Blog tour, with quilters reinterpreting their license plates in fabric.

  Debra Gabel's booth - Row by Row Excitement RBR 3- Janet, Linda, Debra

Speaking of license plates, this booth was so busy that I had to circle back 3 different times to get to talk to Debra Gabel (on the right) about her participation in the Row by Row tour.  And since everyone is at market, the lady on her right is Janet Lutz, the creator of the Row by Row concept. We had a nice chance to chat about some things we've got coming up this summer, and it was so nice to run into Janet while I was here.

There was one more person I met, and who I am hoping to have in the Spotlight later on this fall. Leah Day and Josh Day was there, and they were the nicest people to talk to. There's so much talent there, it's humbling.

Spring Market Leah Day

More coming soon...P.2 next week!
