One Quilting Circle

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Rainy Days and Monday Musings...

We had a beautiful day on Saturday, and now we're back to some rain - it's a good day to work on a customer's project...a graduation gift T shirt project. This is what is left in the box of shirts after I got started - some dupe shirts (which may or may not make it in, depending on the final layout), and some where the logo is printed off kilter. 20150601_065114_resizedI've met quilters who aren't fans of working on this type of quilts - but I also know that it's the kind of quilt that resonates with people. I think it's because the tops are so personal. I think that's why they are so personal. I love working on them because they are a bit of a mystery - until you take the scissors to the shirts, and start seeing what's in the box, it's impossible to see what the top will look like.The trick to working with the shirts is to have a plan, and there are a lot of resources on the 'net that can be useful.  This one is on my bookshelf, and it's a great process and design book to start with.20150601_065016_resizedI generally start by putting the shirts into piles based on the logo size, and I try to work with sizes that combine well - in this case, 12" square, 6 inch square, and 4" by 12" or 6" y 12 inch oblong - that will allow me to stack them together (and then I can deal with the odd sized pieces).  Once that process is done, I can back the fabric with the stabilizer and start cutting.  You might never have thought of T shirt quilts as a fussy cutting project, but that's exactly how I think  of them.So here's where I find my project this morning - 20150601_065059_resizedMy next step is to take them off the design wall and lay them out the way I think they are going to go.  Stay tuned.Have a great Monday!