One Quilting Circle

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Monday Musings - Welcome to 2017!

Happy First Monday of January! My wish for you is that this year brings you health, happiness and peace. I don't know that we really can ask more from life than that anyway.I am not in the habit of looking backwards (I'm not going that way), but I thought I'd start the year off by sharing with you an exercise I go through at the end of each year as part of my goal setting exercises...I empty my jar.accomplishmentsThis jar was given to me by a good friend, and when you have a notable success in the year, you write it down and  deposit it into the jar.  At the end of the year, you take out the notes and review your accomplishments.I have a bulletin board here in my space which I use to keep track of projects, prospects, generally anything I need to keep track of. When something is completed,  I put it - the good and the bad into the jar - so this keeps me on track with both the highs and the lows of the year. It's also a good tool to have when you're looking ahead to next year's business plans.I will look back at 2016 at a year of innovation - some things worked quite well, and some things did not pan out. I don't feel that I was spending the year standing still - and certainly not in the last half year.  I've already put some changes into place for next year that I'm quite excited about - and I'll be happy to talk about that next week.Stars over snow covered fieldsJust when I thought that I had all the information I needed from 2016...I received a very nice email from the folks at the Vermont Quilt Festival, indicating that my quilt entry into the show was featured in the newest issue of Simply Moderne magazine from Quiltmania...I do believe that I hit the eggnog early when that email came in.  A very nice unexpected high note to end the year on.The pages from 2016 will be put into a time capsule so that I can empty the jar out and pave the way for 2017 successes.  I would love to know how you keep track of things?**************************Follow up to the last giveaway - congratulations to Lori Morton, Susan Stanton and Beth Burnett for winning the prizes. Lori's prize is already in the mail to her, and I am hoping that Susan and Beth will contact me soon...I'd love to get their gifts over to them.All for now - sewing is happening in 3..2..1...