One Quilting Circle

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Farewell to SPARK

SPARK is an acronym for Shift, Possible, Actions, Results, and words (or my talismans) for 2019. This year, which has brought me so much joy and happiness, didn't start out that way at all...and a lot of THAT is because of SPARK. Each time I came to an opportunity, or a decision point, SPARK was there.

I started the year (as I have done in the past) needing to do some serious work on myself. No growth happens in your comfort zone is a very true statement - it should be on a pillow somewhere. Maybe I'll add it to my list of 2020 projects. Feedback?

Technically, this should be the last post for 2019, but being's not. Tonight, my family is celebrating Christmas in a whole new way, and I'm holding that post off until next week because I have something that I want my kids to see first - of course. So I'm going to take this opportunity to say farewell to, my friend, have served me very well. I know that the SEO of this post will have to be cleaned up, but for now, I'm just writing.

I literally feel like I spent the first half of 2019 running on a treadmill, which isn't a good look for me. By midyear, I had definitely turned the corner, and begun to see the bright light ahead. I don't know where SPARK came from - it definitely was organic, the result of my overthinking it. Which is, if you know me...something that i have learned is a form of procrastination.

Have I picked out my word for 2020? No, it found me. Literally - and it's perfect. I can't wait to share it...but for now, it's right next to me in my a secret friend.

So I want to you pick a word of the year? And have you picked yours out for next year?

Have a magical Holiday season, and I hope Santa is good to you.
