One Quilting Circle

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It's all about BALANCE for's my why

Now that I'm in the after Christmas/pre New Years rush, I can let you in on a some things I've been working on. I've been spending some time taking stock of things, and looking ahead to next year in addition to making stockings and wrapping presents.   To be quite honest, I felt the need to take some time to me in early December, to reflect and to see where my energies really needed to go.I think I'm at the point where I'm doing that every 7 year evaluation that people often speak of, and that silence, that quiet has allowed me to listen to some things.  There are also some family things going on in the background, and although those aren't for this blog, they are things that need to be dealt with.  All this ruminating and navel gazing has led to word for 2018.Balance ....(I think it's time we met).I've run into the brick wall of 'there's only so much Linda to go around' syndrome for too many Decembers, and this has led me to the realization that it's time to put me on the priority list.  It feels silly, and it feels indulgent...but it also feels right.My home office is also my sewing studio (a studio tour is on my short list of things for January), and I often feel frustrated by waay too little sewing.  You may (or may not) have noticed that. That's one change I'm making - and making public now...I have patterns and design ideas that have been in my head too long.  They are out, and on paper, and scheduled.  I also have put strategies into place so that I can maintain this focus throughout 2018, and I'll be reporting back during 2018. It also means letting go of some bad habits I've accumulated along the way, and developing new ones to support my newfound quest for balance.This isn't the first time I've selected a word for the year, but it is the first time that I've strategized on how to achieve it.A 'word for the year' is something that's very personal for everyone, and now that I've shared mine, I'd love it if you'd share yours...I'm taking applications for 2019's word now...  Care to share?I"m off to 'indulge' in some late scheduled holiday gatherings...back at it tomorrow.