One Quilting Circle

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Thank you, Simplify…

A Simple thought in a familiar format…

So what’s on my mind today? This long year that has been 2021 is drawing to an end, and that means it’s time to say good bye and thank you to something that’s been around here all year.

Simplify has been my watchword for the year, and like many of the years before me, it’s shown up in so many ways this year.  I literally would not be the person that is writing this post if I hadn’t gone through this process – in all its’ many forms.

I am a chronic over thinker – if you’ve known me for any length of time, you know that if there’s a hard way, or a long way to do something, that will be my route. I’ve learned that it’s a defense mechanism rooted in my youth.  But 2021, in all it’s uniqueness, required me to strip away all of that, and move forward in a simpler way.

Just one foot in front of another. One day at a time. It bears noting that at the beginning of 2021 – I had not yet dared hope a vaccine would be part of our daily existence. Let alone a second shot, then a third. Or that we would become somewhat accustomed to life’s simpler pleasures…

A ride to the shore for a birthday lobster lunch.

A summer filled with new life and many many afternoons spent sunning myself with my grands running around in my backyard…the same backyard that their dads had enjoyed many summers ago.

A healthy baby boy.

It’s not been an easy year, but it has been a simpler one. I am grateful for the time that I had to spend enjoying the goodness that was 2021, and leave the rest aside.

My Christmas season this year is also simpler. I have many seasonal decorations – and yes, quilts! – all of which denote the colors of the season. Many years they overwhelm me, but this season, this simpler season…I pulled what I wanted to enjoy, and left much in boxes in the basement. Shh…don’t tell anyone!

And me? I am calmer, more peaceful in my day to day life. Simplify has left me many changes…and a better version of myself.

How to pick a worthy successor to Simplify

So…what comes next?  I’ve begun to ponder that as I re-discovered a ‘guilty pleasure’ of mine this holiday season. A simple candle has made me quite happy…it has been years since I enjoyed the light and the scent of it.  I have a favorite scent that I love at this time of year, and when I went into the candle store – it was overwhelming. Too much. Too loud, too bright – too many choices. I made a beeline for the one I wanted, purchased it, and escaped. I literally thought of it as escaping.

I had a paper in my planner where I auditioned words for 2022…and connected with none of them.

Key? Deliberate?

And then it came to me…as they always do. Intentional.

I always start with the correct meaning of the word, via a dictionary.  It means to do something on purpose, deliberately. It was pointed out by a friend that it’s related to simplify – and I can see that.

So starting out Intentionally, I have to tell you that there’s a second part to this blogpost…but you’ll have to wait for it a bit. I’ll be back on January 4th with the second part of this story, and the accompanying You Tube video.

I have some work to do behind the scenes, and I’m going to do that. I’m also going to spend some time in nature, in my kitchen, and in my sewing space.  More on that next month.

I know that this year has been a difficult one for many of you, and I sincerely hope that this season is gentle with you.  I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a bright, hopeful New Year.



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Hi, I’m Linda Pearl - quilter, teacher, designer and blogger, and I’m happy to have you here. I’d like to tell you a little bit more About Me

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I’ve moved to You Tube!

Every Tuesday at noon, I do a LiveStream on my new You Tube channel for One Quilting Circle. I’d love for you to come see the latest content!

PDF pattern now available!